A writer's journal

Fetching Dreams by Mary Bleckwehl
Fetching Dreams by Mary Bleckwehl: A Book Review

Fetching Dreams by Mary Bleckwehl is essential reading in 2023. Consider these summer headlines: “Heat Records Broken Around the Globe as Earth Warms, Fast” (New York Times). “The Colorado River is in crisis. And it’s getting worse” (Washington Post). “Supreme Court Rules Against Navajo Nation in Water Rights Case” (Wall Street Journal). Now consider that…

Immersive Van Gogh
Stories from the Immersive Van Gogh

For me, there is only one other peak art experience that compares with the Immersive Van Gogh. When I was about ten years old my mother and her friend Ann Anderson took their kids on the commuter train to Chicago to see the movie FANTASIA. It was a grand adventure as my sister and I had…

Research Magic
The Magic of Research

I’ve heard some writers say that research is their favorite part, when the universe yields the exact fact or story or connection you need for your project. This is the magic of research. While wrapping up my YA historical novel set in Kalona, Iowa, in 1944, I still feel like writing is my favorite part.…

Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo
Favorite Book of 2021: Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo

This year it was easy to choose my favorite book: Poet Warrior by Joy Harjo. Usually when someone asks me to name my best-loved book or movie, I have a really hard time figuring it out. Do you mean the favorite book and movie of my childhood (that would have to be The Five Little…