As you can see, it’s a New Year and new website for me. And I’m also trying a new format for my blog—now called A Writer’s Journal instead of Green and Healthy Inside Out. Since I’ve been focusing on fiction writing lately (finishing a novel started in a prehistoric form twenty-five years ago) and will be teaching as a faculty mentor in the new MFA in Creative Writing program at MIU in spring 2022, I decided to make my blog more about the writing process itself.

The green and healthy themes will still be there as I’m passionate about both topics, but I’ll be sharing creative thoughts and images and inspiration for writing too. And the green and healthy posts from the past are still there—you can access them by topic or date in the sidebar.
Another impetus for change came when my website was hacked in August 2021. A friend emailed “Did you know that your site is selling viagra pills?” That was a wake-up moment.
In the process of getting my site restored, I turned for help to Cindee Van Dijk of Van Dijk Consultants. She explained that my website/blog was so old (yikes—did I really start it in 2009?) that I was vulnerable to further attacks. And really, it was time to rebrand. And I was so lucky to have Chosie Titus do the clean, simple design–I’m thrilled with it!
So here it is—a new year, a new look as they say.
Hope you enjoy.