Your baby is cosmic . . . like a whole new universe. You are blissful, adoring, nurturing—and totally exhausted.
This easy-to-read book can help by providing:
• Indispensable, practical tips for expectant and new mothers
• What every mother must know to nourish every stage of her baby’s growth—even before conception.
• Diet, exercise, daily routine, and simple massage instructions.
• Holistic principles from Ayurvedic medicine that enliven nature’s intelligence.
• Fully compatible with contemporary obstetric care.
• Scientific references to Ayurvedic medicine and case histories
In Praise of For a Blissful Baby
“This extraordinary and unique book for expectant parents contains a wealth of knowledge from the oldest tradition of health care on earth—knowledge that will enable women to go through the physical and emotional transformations of childbirth and come out ahead, feeling on top of their lives, feeling better than ever before.”
Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D.Author of A WOMAN'S BEST MEDICINE
“Whether you’re planning ahead or already parenting a newborn child, you should read this book—and so should your husband. It begins where modern obstetrics leaves off, providing nourishment and support to both mother and child not only during pregnancy, but during the often-neglected postpartum period. An invaluable friend and guide for dispelling the baby blues.”
Rebecca Douglas, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.Practicing obstetrician
“What was also miraculous to me was that in just a few weeks after the baby was born, I dropped all my pregnancy weight. I think a lot of that had to do with exercising regularly before pregnancy and following the Mother and Baby program once the baby was born. Everything just simply and easily went back into place.”
Toni Sugg One of the mothers interviewed in this book